Compagnie Chorégraphique - Marie Desoubeaux

écritures, dramaturgies et composition du corps dansé

Dancing Poetics & Politics | Fabiana Capriotti

Bodies produce knowlegde
Bodies shortcut to intuition
Bodies do not need intermedieries
Bodies decide through sensations and shapes
Bodies produce images

The single body and the body beyond the body, network of bodies, strenght of group, corporality, democracy

Anything accepting the rules or being through the procedure of body : technique, touch, sight, time, space, senses, presence, embodiment, etc

The not body quality of dancing: the moment when dance disembodies to transform space, time and others in "the other".

Poetics as the action that abstracts dance from body to express herself in the "in between"
The What we do & What happens in dancing

The process in dancing, updating it and learning from experience : from strenght into vulnerability and viceversa

Dancing politics since your writing with body and well as your reading with body tells your perception of how you read and write present time, your memory, history and your position for future. 
From Monday June 20th
to Friday June 24th 2022
Duration : 5 days (35h)
From 10am to 5pm 
Le Regard du Cygne
210 rue de Belleville 75020 PARIS

Cost : 260€ 

Maximum of students : 20

Students : Dancers and performers who wish to engage with instant composition at a high level. Movement / dance background experience is required.

Teaching tongue: english

Registration process*

Fabiana Capriotti
(resume soon to be available)       Read more